I love reading because its honestly the only cure too brainrot, and its just the most awesome form of entertainment + education

heres some books i recomend ill make a seprate list for fiction and non fiction.

why read non-fiction? vocabulary and conversational skills.


A Study in Scarlet & The Sign of the Four - SIR ARTHUR CONAN DOYLE

Romance of the Three Kingdoms - Luo Guanzhong

Water Margin - Shi Nai'an (get the Sidney Shapiro eddition if posible its the best translation available)

Notes from Underground - Fyodor Dostoevsky

Crime and Punishment - Fyodor Dostoevsky

Monkey King/journey to the west - Wu Cheng'en


Bullshit Jobs - David Graeber

Art Of War - Sun Tzu

The Analects - Confucius

tao te ching - lao zi

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